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Taking inspiration from classical, world, soundtrack, dance and extreme metal music, Murmur Of Monks can definitely be labeled as 'eclectic' or 'undefinable'. For that reason MOM has created its own terms to describe its sounds: "Blacktron", "Goreography" and "Gothscore".  The video below gives you some insight into these 3 unconventional genres. Also check out the media players to hear what we're really talking about.

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b l a c k t r o n

Blacktron is electronic music mixed with eerie vocals, grunts or screams. The music also contains a wide range of acoustic elements, mainly inspired by dark classical and world music. However, no real acoustic instruments are used in Blacktron music, only VSTi's. 

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g o r e o g r a p h y

Goreography is dance choreography music with a twist of darkness. Choirs, orchestras and world instruments all add to the drama of the performance. The songs clock around the 3 minute mark and are often comprised of three different movements.

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g o t h s c o r e

Gothscore mixes soundtrack music with gothic and horror storytelling. The lyrics are often recited in a poetic way, with the narrator using eerie voices. The alliterating song titles are typical for the MOM style of gothscore.

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